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The Luminous Life Of C Rajagopalachari

  Printline Books




 Paper Back

 83 Gm



C. Rajagopalachari, popularly known as Rajaji, was the first and last Indian to be the Governor General of India. He was an ardent patriot, a pioneering social reformer, incisive thinker, profound scholar and author. He was also an eminent statesman and able administrator. He personified the idea of simple living and high thinking. Born on December 10, 1878 in Tamil Nadu, Rajaji had his education in Bangalore and Madras. He qualified himself for the Bar and built up a lucrative practice. He attended the Surat Session of the Congress in 1907. He first met Gandhiji in 1919 and participated in the Non-cooperation Movement in 1920. He led the Salt Satyagraha Campaign in South India in 1930 and was imprisoned for 9 months. He was given the highest National Award "Bharat Ratna in 1954. He was an accomplished writer and a powerful speaker in both English and Tamil. He died in 1972.

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